Andrew Li

: )

Win in New Jersey!

2022-01-22 Andrew Lirobotics


Camden County Championship!

With the majority of comps in our home region of New York being full and later in the season, Arsenal decided to compete in New Jersey to get more practice and copmetition experience in after our December/January rebuild.

This competition was marked by challenge after challenge being hurled at us, from our pneumatics subsystems failing to autonomous routes suddenly failing. After countless problems, there wasn’t much time for celebration after each match. Further, the venue cut off the skills fields early due to the massive number of teams and limited fields before we had a chance to use all of our attempts. At the same time, however, we were able to meet and compete against renowned organizations, such as Cherry Hill’s 2616 and The Haverford School’s 169. For eliminations, we allianced with fellow New York team OMEGA, eventually winning our way to Tournament Champions!
